Friday, December 14, 2012

Engage Ur Brain

Infatuation is the state of being completely carried away by unreasoned passion or love: 'expresses the headlong libidinal attraction'[1] of addictive love. Usually, one is inspired with an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone. he he.. remember this statement from Love 100% movie..its in wikipedia. :)
Infactuation with strong prayers sometimes moves one so close to the other person ending up in loving( read possessing) the other as his/her own. These type of people do not need a marriage. They live asthou they have been married already for years..they assume.. Just a caution, U can just end up in being in a dreamland like the movie Inception.
This type of people might use all the money they have to spend for his/her love. From gold facials, manicures to electronic gadgets and shoes, they will endup getting almost each thing his/her love likes/wants.
Their possessiveness leads them to show inappropriate behaviour like doubting their partner, showing off before their partner that they r good at everything and the smartest of all.
While this person would have been the first to indirectly start a conversation with the partner and slowly make the other person realize about the chemistry between them, the to be partner always has a caution within them.
 In most cases, the infactuated person gets dumped for his/her behaviour or the other person just compromises that there doesnt exist a chemistry between the two or on family front and ends the relationship. This aggravates the Infatuated person, who not only loses his love, money, self respect, confidence but also chooses mostly to sob within themselves. Sometimes if not surrounded by generous family ends up being a psycho with schizophrenia he he.. very very mild state of it if its true love.
Mmm., heard more recently chocolates help stirring up love.. With most facts now known., stay aware and polappa parunga dude.. stop singing oora teinjukitaen rajni or manipaaya vtv song.. just remind urself.. if someone is tat unlucky to leave u..maybe it was just a last birth sin..SO atleast do something good this piravi.. Until this lust and emotions rule us.., v wud be transitioning between one form or the other. Think of your creator and the people who love u and start living with them.
 Engage UR Brain! :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Quick Chicken gravy

Let me start with a very simple weeknite gravy recipe. My basic idea of weeknite cooking is tat it shudnt take more time.



For the paste(Step 1) :
onion                                  1 chopped
tomato                               1 chopped
garlic                                  5 cloves finely chopped
ginger                                 1.5 inch finely chopped
cinnamon (Indian dark) 1 inch
fennel seeds                      1.5 tsp
pepper                               1/4  tsp
cumin seeds                     1.5-2 tsp 
Red chilli                          1-2
chilli powder                    1tsp
coriander powder           2tsp
(alternatively, u can use homemade kulambu powder)

 For Step 2 :
Chicken                 1/4 kg - 1/2 kg
Bayleaf                   1
fennel seeds          2 tsp
pepper                   4-5
fenugreek seeds  1/4 tsp
cumin seeds        1/2 tsp
Step1. Add 3tsp oil to the cooking pan and to this add the pepper, cumin seeds, fennel seeds, cinnamon, ginger, garlic, red chilli, onion, tomato and chilli, coriander powder and little salt and saute it till oil separates.
Now cool the mixture and make a coarse paste.
Step2. In another pan, add 2tsp oil, add the ingredients mentioned for step 2 : bayleaf, fennel seeds, fenugreek seeds, cumin seeds, pepper.
Step3: To this add the paste and add the chicken pieces and cover with lid. Let the chicken ooze out water.Once the water starts decreasing, add a cup of water and salt to taste and pressure cook it for 2 whistles.
Step 4 : Once the pressure is gone, check for salt. If additional spiciness is required,, add coarsely powdered pepper.
Step 5 : Garnish with coriander leaves, let it simmer for 5 more mins covered.
Adding a pinch of mint leaves and letting it boil for few mins before garnishing provides a twist in taste. U can try tat also. :)

I repeat the same recipe with reducing the pepper for lima beans. U can try this recipe with mushroom, carrot, peas also. Goes good with both chapatis and rice.
Tip : Use chicken with bone for enhanced taste or add chicken broth. 
I buy a pack containing 5 chicken legs, trim off the nail portion and remove the skin and cook it without cutting it into further small pieces. Saves time!! :):)
we can add either cashews/poppy seeds(saute and paste) to this recipe to get a very sweet creamy finish.

Have a good day! :)