Saturday, March 11, 2017

Shut off..

Welcome to the new era of Shut off..
Connecting with all the people who you have ever met from the time you were born till today 
And Shutting off unintentionally on your family or mostly away from the less exciting members in them!.
We are kind and wouldn't miss to wish people on Facebook or WhatsApp but wouldn't value the helpless soul trying to talk to you sitting just next to us!.
Have you been Shut off, right on your face when you are trying to talk about your needs ?
Well., it is OK to think you are being ignored!! Ha ha.., Yes I did say that!
Keep yourself busy and whenever that makes you cry about it., Start blogging about it!! 😂😜
Invest in Self Care!! You are the only person who can love yourself the Best!!
Things Change!!, Don't they?! Shut off from reacting to being Shut Off ! LOVE Urself😻

Friday, December 14, 2012

Engage Ur Brain

Infatuation is the state of being completely carried away by unreasoned passion or love: 'expresses the headlong libidinal attraction'[1] of addictive love. Usually, one is inspired with an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone. he he.. remember this statement from Love 100% movie..its in wikipedia. :)
Infactuation with strong prayers sometimes moves one so close to the other person ending up in loving( read possessing) the other as his/her own. These type of people do not need a marriage. They live asthou they have been married already for years..they assume.. Just a caution, U can just end up in being in a dreamland like the movie Inception.
This type of people might use all the money they have to spend for his/her love. From gold facials, manicures to electronic gadgets and shoes, they will endup getting almost each thing his/her love likes/wants.
Their possessiveness leads them to show inappropriate behaviour like doubting their partner, showing off before their partner that they r good at everything and the smartest of all.
While this person would have been the first to indirectly start a conversation with the partner and slowly make the other person realize about the chemistry between them, the to be partner always has a caution within them.
 In most cases, the infactuated person gets dumped for his/her behaviour or the other person just compromises that there doesnt exist a chemistry between the two or on family front and ends the relationship. This aggravates the Infatuated person, who not only loses his love, money, self respect, confidence but also chooses mostly to sob within themselves. Sometimes if not surrounded by generous family ends up being a psycho with schizophrenia he he.. very very mild state of it if its true love.
Mmm., heard more recently chocolates help stirring up love.. With most facts now known., stay aware and polappa parunga dude.. stop singing oora teinjukitaen rajni or manipaaya vtv song.. just remind urself.. if someone is tat unlucky to leave u..maybe it was just a last birth sin..SO atleast do something good this piravi.. Until this lust and emotions rule us.., v wud be transitioning between one form or the other. Think of your creator and the people who love u and start living with them.
 Engage UR Brain! :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Quick Chicken gravy

Let me start with a very simple weeknite gravy recipe. My basic idea of weeknite cooking is tat it shudnt take more time.



For the paste(Step 1) :
onion                                  1 chopped
tomato                               1 chopped
garlic                                  5 cloves finely chopped
ginger                                 1.5 inch finely chopped
cinnamon (Indian dark) 1 inch
fennel seeds                      1.5 tsp
pepper                               1/4  tsp
cumin seeds                     1.5-2 tsp 
Red chilli                          1-2
chilli powder                    1tsp
coriander powder           2tsp
(alternatively, u can use homemade kulambu powder)

 For Step 2 :
Chicken                 1/4 kg - 1/2 kg
Bayleaf                   1
fennel seeds          2 tsp
pepper                   4-5
fenugreek seeds  1/4 tsp
cumin seeds        1/2 tsp
Step1. Add 3tsp oil to the cooking pan and to this add the pepper, cumin seeds, fennel seeds, cinnamon, ginger, garlic, red chilli, onion, tomato and chilli, coriander powder and little salt and saute it till oil separates.
Now cool the mixture and make a coarse paste.
Step2. In another pan, add 2tsp oil, add the ingredients mentioned for step 2 : bayleaf, fennel seeds, fenugreek seeds, cumin seeds, pepper.
Step3: To this add the paste and add the chicken pieces and cover with lid. Let the chicken ooze out water.Once the water starts decreasing, add a cup of water and salt to taste and pressure cook it for 2 whistles.
Step 4 : Once the pressure is gone, check for salt. If additional spiciness is required,, add coarsely powdered pepper.
Step 5 : Garnish with coriander leaves, let it simmer for 5 more mins covered.
Adding a pinch of mint leaves and letting it boil for few mins before garnishing provides a twist in taste. U can try tat also. :)

I repeat the same recipe with reducing the pepper for lima beans. U can try this recipe with mushroom, carrot, peas also. Goes good with both chapatis and rice.
Tip : Use chicken with bone for enhanced taste or add chicken broth. 
I buy a pack containing 5 chicken legs, trim off the nail portion and remove the skin and cook it without cutting it into further small pieces. Saves time!! :):)
we can add either cashews/poppy seeds(saute and paste) to this recipe to get a very sweet creamy finish.

Have a good day! :)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Boss, Cookingla Pass Aagiratheenga! :)

:)  I am dedicating my to-be-added cooking posts to my sis Boss! :)
To start off., I was a proud person to tell others I knew only to boil water until I got married.
After my wedding, everyday I feel very bad I didnt enter mommy's kitchen. I have been the most pampered baby..who likes to get fed even now!. I envy these pretty homely women who cook like a flowing river!! :).
 I have understood that FOOD when prepared and served at the right time brings happiness to stomach and heart of the family!. But still I find reasons "not to cook" atleast once in a week!.
Maybe, food blogging will help me overcome this habit of mine. I will be posting recipes/tips I have mostly browsed, got it from family members, friends.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Life starts and ends just like a 1234 4321 sequence.
All of us are born with shrinked tiny physique as a baby., gradually grown up into a child then a kid, an adult.. There is a longer phase of adult.. Slowly before we can realize our body parts
start getting worn out ie.. goes from 4 to 3.. Then comes the shrinkage in the form of wrinkles, finally moving to stage 1 like a child taking only liquid food and end itself.
Mmmm.., In this short span of life.. how wonderful is the bond of relationships!.
How painful do you feel when you lose ur
As some philosophers say, Life is a LIVE drama!

this post is d
edicated to vairasundaram ayya, ganapathy ayya.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Childish Guts..

Its been a long gap again..!
With friends urging me to continue writing am still thinking, what should it be? My school days.. college life.. Actually to be frank " I wasn't a 100/100 scorer nor was I good at public speaking ", the main virtues which make one popular during schooling.!
I just remember one attitude of mine which now looks very funny!. In any competition tat was held in my school, I was a participant. Obviously I would be a proud collector of those participation certificates and would show it to guests coming home.. :)
I feel very silly about it now.. But those days I kept it very safe thinking certificates help in getting us a job! The list goes on from Thirukural reciting competition to clay modeling, collage, painting, dance, light music, quiz.. I still remember a day during our fine arts in 3rd std when I and my fav buddy climbed up the stage during a break time and sang April Mayilae song on mike.. Its this plain guts with little over confidence tat made me do all this!
I remember participating even in a fancy dress competition with absolutely no preparation nor costume.. the only reason being, I wanted to wear the newly bought frock from Singapore to my school..!:P I just went to the stage and said Thirmakasi, which means "Thank You in Malay" and left the stage giggling. This attitude of mine even continued during college days in a different form.. Problem for anyone, I would be the first person to resolve it and get myself into a new problem..! :( Think my college friends reading this would know better :)
All this attitude of mine totally ended when I joined office. I was blessed with good mentors at work initially and everyday my thirst for learning new things was making me work with heart. Things did change when my mentors left onsite and came in a series of new mentors/managers. From extended work timings to working on weekend everything got dictated on us. The same work which I loved to do, when forced made me to hate it!
Just becoz many of us in our team weren't married then, it was very easy for our married mentor to make us work on weekend telling... "Guys, At least you don't have any commitment or family her
e!". It didn't end there..Thou we had earned leave balance they weren't sanctioned when required!. Those days I was only able to cry... I really don't understand.. Was it the same me who was so bold became so lame.. Was I not able to talk back just becoz my appraisal would get affected? Or by turning mature did I change into an Introvert.. mmmm... Guess I should start Speaking Up! :)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Pressure Cooker......

Wo Wo Wo.. Is it me who is playing with pressure cookers tese days.. I still cant believe.. :P
There were days when I used to run out of kitchen just hearing its whistle sound...
Tats Life. Changes are the only permanent thing in this world..! :)
Well... Is this the only reason am comparing life with cooker..?
There are lot of similarities I have been exploring..
I got married to a very sweet person on American Independence day 2008.
As a first year student enters into any crowded hall of seniors, I entered chennai airport for my first trip to usa.. All alone..!!
One thing every single relative and friend told me was to make sure I took a pressure cooker to usa. I got a prestigious cooker which was very reluctant like me.. Yes..very much like me.. :P
The first few months of married life was like handling the pressure cooker..!
With being totally new to use a NEW pressure cooker...closing or opening the pressure cooker lid was always a challenge..!
To add it, whenever my husband came home for lunch and told me he had little time and need to rush, my pressure cooker would either give a tough time to open or some screw would have loosened, or rice burnt :( Ma told me to apply little oil for first few days on the lid so tat the rubber ring gets set properly. She also advised me to refrigerate the rubber ring for better performance. I did it everyday and after a week's time.. the pressure cooker started to be little flexible and now.. its tooo handy. :)
Speaking of married life, Ours was an arranged one. :)
We wanted to be an unique pair who do not chat/ talk in phone unnecesarily before wedding :)
Mmmm.. tat paid off well when I started living with him.. :|
Lots and Lots and Lots of expectations from both of us resulted in petty fights. The friction was very similar to operating cooker ..!!! :'(
Mmm.. and well as every story ends happily.. We applied the Oil of Love and Acceptance and..Voilà!............Married Life rockz.. :) :) :)